The Transition

2 min readAug 6, 2023

During my phase of overthinking, I came to realize the significance of journaling my thoughts instead of letting them swirl endlessly in my mind.This will help us to find out new insights and perspectives.

Photo by Marco Allegretti on Unsplash

It’s completely normal to feel uneasy and awkward when starting a new job and finding yourself in a situation where you don’t have a lot of familiar faces around. Communication skills can indeed play a crucial role in making such transitions smoother, but not everyone is naturally extroverted or feels comfortable initiating conversations with new people. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to be yourself and not force yourself into a personality that doesn’t feel natural.

Finding happiness and contentment within oneself is a valuable and empowering journey. Even though I ‘m very much open minded to my circle of people. I mostly become quiet in a crowd that I ‘m unfamiliar. Embracing my nature and enjoying my own company can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. While it’s nice to have people around to share experiences with, it’s equally important to learn to be independent and create our own happiness.

Overthinking can indeed be a hindrance to enjoying life fully. Sometimes, listening music, exploring new places, and immersing ourself in activities we enjoy can be a great way to quiet those racing thoughts and bring a sense of peace. Remember, we have the power to shape our own happiness and create a fulfilling life for ourself, regardless of the circumstances.

As we continue our pursuit of happiness, stay true to ourself, embrace our uniqueness, and focus on the things that bring us joy. Building a strong sense of self and being comfortable in our own skill will radiate positivity and attract like-minded individuals into our life naturally. Keep exploring, learning, and growing, and we’ll find that life has many beautiful moments to offer.




sensitive, empathetic.Interested in computer science, animal well being, providing quality education for kids in rural area. Passionate to travelling,teaching.